Message from CEO Jeff Heinecke on COVID-19

March 19, 2020

On March 19, our President & CEO Jeff Heinecke sent a letter to the entire Lyngblomsten family on our response to the COVID-19 situation.

He writes:

"The residents and tenants of Lyngblomsten are in great hands.  Across Lyngblomsten, every department is doing its part to keep your loved ones safe.  The term 'all hands on deck' has never been more appropriate.  Our staff are far more than your average caregivers.  What’s remarkable is not their willingness to help but their eagerness to help.  The concern staff show each day brings comfort and assurance that we WILL get through this."

You can read his entire letter below or click here to download a copy.




March 19, 2020                                                         

Dear Lyngblomsten Family,

It was late January when the first case of COVID-19 presented itself in the United States.  Until then, it was widely considered “China’s” problem.  Now, flash forward two months and what we are experiencing is something none of us has ever seen before.  The way we go about our day-to-day lives has changed almost overnight. 

Here at Lyngblomsten, we’ve been forced to do the unthinkable:  turn away family and friends, not allowing them to visit in-person with their loved ones.  Volunteers, too, must stay away—not only from our campus but also from The Gathering community respite program.  While that mandate is without question the right decision given what we know about the impact of COVID-19 on our frail and elderly population, it has nevertheless been heart-wrenching for everyone involved. 

So that’s the troubling part of the story.  Now for the comforting part.  The residents and tenants of Lyngblomsten are in great hands.  Across Lyngblomsten, every department is doing its part to keep your loved ones safe.  The term “all hands on deck” has never been more appropriate.  Our staff are far more than your average caregivers.  What’s remarkable is not their willingness to help but their eagerness to help.  The concern staff show each day brings comfort and assurance that we WILL get through this.  

While we have no guarantee that COVID-19 won’t enter our buildings, if it does, it will not be for the lack of time and care put into establishing and maintaining appropriate precautions.  Through mechanisms such as daily webinars and periodic consultations, we are keeping abreast of the latest developments and receiving guidance from local and national authorities.  Everything that can be done to prevent illness is being done—bleach-wiping surfaces constantly, screening staff and residents for symptoms daily, hand-washing like crazy, and more.

Much has been discussed regarding how to keep our residents and tenants from feeling isolated.  While nothing can truly replace in-person visits from those one cares about most, we are implementing alternative ways for keeping families and friends connected to their loved ones.  From letters and telephone calls to live video chats and delivering packages from families, we are facilitating creative avenues for communicating.  In addition, we continue to create safe ways to engage residents in meaningful activities.  Games, one-to-one visits with staff, chatting with other residents (albeit six feet apart), individual art kits, and the use of our closed-circuit camera showing activities on TV—including worship service from our chapel—are just a few ways we are accomplishing this.  More ideas emerge every day.  Just today, staff from non-direct care areas received special orientation so they can assist with delivering meals and doing activities one on one with residents and tenants.  I’m extremely proud of how our staff has banded together to address this immense challenge of preventing isolation. 

You can help, too.  We know the power of prayer.  Please keep the safety and well-being of all our residents, tenants, community participants, and staff in your prayers.

It’s not the same without our volunteers and families and program partners being an active part of daily life at Lyngblomsten.  We look forward to welcoming the whole family back when life returns to normal.  Till then, be well.

In Christ,

Jeff Heinecke
President & CEO

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