Endowment Funds
Over our 100+ year history, Lyngblomsten has been fortunate to be the beneficiary of numerous planned gifts. Through their generosity, devoted and thoughtful supporters have provided the foundation for the development of numerous new program initiatives and capital improvements that have touched the lives of hundreds of older adults and their families.
As Lyngblomsten embarks on a new era of development, the following endowment funds have been established to provide ongoing resources to strengthen our ability to serve compassionately, effectively and responsively.
Lyngblomsten Auxiliary Legacy Fund
For 50 years the Lyngblomsten Auxiliary volunteered and raised over $1 million by hosting rummage sales, cookie sales, wrapping gifts at the holidays and running the Gift Shop (currently Anna’s). Today these dedicated individuals have retired, but our way of honoring them is to perpetuate their tradition of making funds available each year to pay for the non-budgeted extras – such as our aviaries, aquariums and outdoor furnishings – that enhance the lives of our older adults and their families.
Paul L. Mikelson Fund for Innovation and New Initiatives
Named after former CEO Paul Mikelson, who served from 1993 to 2013, this fund ensures that Lyngblomsten has an annual source of income dedicated to providing the initial investment funds needed to seize promising new opportunities for service or business development.
Lyngblomsten Employee Scholarship Fund
The quality of care we provide is related to the competency and commitment of our emlyees. Begun by Dr. Clarence and Mary Dennis, the Employee Scholarship Fund makes it possible for many of our direct care staff to advance their education and training. Not only does the education strengthen the recipients’ skills, the employees and their families also benefit from the financial security that comes with higher earnings and career advancement.